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About Portfolio

What is the School Communications Portfolio?

The School Communications Portfolio brings together the best thinking of BOCES Engagement & Development Services to provide participating school districts access to “ready-to-use” communications products, campaigns and message points about essential topics facing public schools today. Rather than duplicate valuable communication resources in every district, the Portfolio offers streamlined, strategic solutions for regional and statewide communications.

In addition to tackling complex and often controversial “hot-button” issues, the Portfolio provides streamlined solutions for routine communications such as annual notifications and special events. Carefully researched and professionally prepared, this vetted material may be used on district websites, social media channels and in print publications.

The following are examples of products the School Communications Portfolio has created for clients:

Advisories and communications guidance

The core of the Portfolio service is expert guidance to support effective communications. Whether it’s a new state mandate, or an evergreen issue like the annual budget vote, Portfolio can help your school district develop its strategy to communicate effectively.

A hand stacks coins. A bar chart is shown behind the stacks

Communicate effectively about the 2% tax cap

Communications considerations, handouts, talking points and sample language to help school leaders explain the tax levy limit.

An individual staring at a blackboard that says "FAQ" in white chalk.

Educate your community about the budget process

Communications tools to help school district leaders communicate about the annual budget process.

Theme packages

To help districts dig into the issues that matter most, Portfolio offers packages that provide a well-rounded view of a topic or issue.

Four individuals sitting at a table, talking.

Crafting inclusive communications: A guide for school districts

Tips, strategies and orientation video to inform school leaders on best practices for communicating inclusively.

Close up white paper desk calendar with blurred background

Required notifications for school districts

Notify residents, parents/guardians, employees and other audiences about policies and actions related to school district operations.