Category: Finance & Voting Portfolio

  • Advisory: Answer common taxpayer questions with a budget Q&A

    Communicating about a particular school district’s proposed operating budget typically requires tailoring communications to fit a district’s individual circumstances, priorities and decision-making. However, there are many topics that all school districts must address and that can be communicated near-universally. To help districts answer some common taxpayer questions, the School Communications Portfolio has prepared a Q&A…

  • Help voters understand how absentee ballots are counted and kept confidential

    To help address questions related to the privacy of absentee ballots, the School Communications Portfolio has developed an absentee ballot Q&A.

  • Advisory: New laws impact school district elections

    Governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed two pieces of legislation intended to ease New York state residents’ ability to exercise their right to vote in school district elections. What you need to know about the simplified ballot application The state amended Election Law in 2010 to simplify the absentee ballot application for registered voters, but it…

  • Resources for school leaders to communicate about a reassessment

    While schools don’t have a direct role in property reassessments, district officials may find it helpful to provide taxpayers with an overview of how a reassessment may affect their school taxes. The School Communications Portfolio has updated its ready-to-use fact sheet, accompanying web text and PowerPoint slides if your community has recently conducted a reassessment…

  • ‘Equity’ and ‘equality’ are not interchangeable

    Explaining funding in building-level spending reports Both the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the New York State Division of Budget now require districts to report per-pupil spending for each school. These mandates are the result of an increased focus on educational equity. They are intended to shine a light on how money is…

  • Communicating about a reassessment

    While schools don’t have a direct role in property reassessments, district officials may find it helpful to provide taxpayers with an overview of how a reassessment may affect their school taxes. The School Communications Portfolio has updated its ready-to-use fact sheet, accompanying web text and PowerPoint slides if your community has recently conducted a reassessment…

  • Reserve Funds: Saving for the Future

    Saving for a rainy day isn’t just a goal for most adults. It’s a goal for school districts, too. Reserve funds allow school districts in New York state to set aside money for future use, following strict legal requirements. Such funds are an important factor in determining a district’s fiscal health. They are also part…

  • Help district leaders understand state and federal fiscal transparency requirements

    Both the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the New York State Division of Budget are requiring districts to report per-pupil spending for each school. These mandates are the result of an increased focus on educational equity. They are intended to shine a light on how money is distributed across a district and whether…

  • Find out how residents feel with an exit survey

    Want to know what your voters really think about your budget? Ask them with an exit survey.

  • Budget 101: Balancing the Budget

    The School Communications Portfolio has updated last year’s simple, graphic fact sheet to help school districts explain to voters what it takes to balance the annual school budget.