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Tag: communications

  • Copyright: How to stay on the right side of the law

    The sudden shift throughout the state to online teaching and learning is raising a host of copyright questions for educators. To help them assess if they are staying on the right side of copyright law, the School Communications Portfolio is re-releasing its four-page flyer on copyright basics. This ready-to-use handout can help principals, teachers and…

  • Help parents determine if their child is ready for school

    For many districts, prekindergarten and kindergarten registration time is right around the corner. However, parents and guardians in your district may be unsure of whether their child is actually ready to attend school. To help them assess if their child has met—or is on their way to meeting—the developmental milestones that will help ease the…

  • Help teachers enhance communication with parents/guardians

    Research has shown that frequent, customized communication from teachers to parents/guardians has the potential to boost student achievement, improve attendance and decrease dropout rates. However, opening and maintaining the lines of communication can be a challenge for some educators. To help bridge this gap, the Capital Region BOCES School Communications Portfolio is re-releasing its Teacher/Parent…